–This airing we have Willem Felderhof once again joining us. Willem is an independent philosopher, researcher, writer, analyst and journalist. Willem is a former commercial airline pilot and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as the "Aerotoxic Syndrome." Willem is also the founder and had been the initial organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands and host of "Lowlands Logos" here on Revision Media. As a Dutch citizen Willem is very concerned about the direction in which his country and enslaved humanity in general are heading. The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but rather has been hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with dark agendas. Willem realizes that the enemy is within – that our beloved countries have been attacked, infiltrated and taken over by a vicious parasitic virus. We discuss a number of currently relevant topics including this current economic lockdown, pandemic perception, open dissent, independent media, geopolitics, social engineering and the global power structure. Some additional topics are also included. Tony in VA also contributes to the conversation. ~